Terms Of Services

Your use of this website and our services, including phone orders, all purchases online and in store is governed by the policies, terms, and conditions set forth below. Please read the following information carefully. By using this site or submitting an order for products or services, you indicate your acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, the terms and conditions set forth below personally or as an agent for any business entity you represent.

1. Registration (Online/Phone)

In order to purchase goods from us, you may need to register your details with us (personal details and ID for identification purposes) via this website or provide your details to us through other means. On registration, you must provide us with accurate, complete registration information and it is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to that information.

2. Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and will not share your information with a third-party except to a Law Enforcement Agency if need be. We will only use the details supplied by you in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

3. Prices, Order & Acceptance

3.1 – All prices for the Goods are exclusive of delivery/installation/activation fees otherwise stated and agreed upon. The price listed on the Website will be as stipulated at the time when you place your order on the website. We are entitled to make adjustments to the price to take account of any increase in our supplier’s prices, or if due to an error or omission, the price for the products on the Website is wrong.

3.2 – All Goods are subject to availability. Where stock has run out or goods cannot for some reason be dispatched, we will contact and inform you of this and give you a likely delivery date or suggest/recommend another product to you.

3.3 – Due to the dynamic nature of the computer industry, descriptions may not reflect current technical information. Any typographical or photographic errors in the product specifications or errors in the pricing or offers are subject to correction and same will be communicated to you if any.

3.4 –  Where the use of the Goods is stated to be subject to any instructions or warnings, they are supplied on the condition that such instructions or warnings will be strictly adhered to.


Comments on how we may improve our service to you. We aim to provide outstanding customer service. If you have any comments about the service you have received from us, please contact us.

Please note that these Terms And Conditions Are Subject To Change Without Notice!

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